
Add Cerb endpoint, API user creds and default ticket options

 1 minute read

The first step in configuring the Blesta-Cerb plugin is to provide the plugin the location of where the Cerb installation is. This could the Cerb Cloud location or the Self-Hosted version.

Configure Settings

To configure the required settings for Blesta-Cerb follow the steps below:

  • Visit [Admin Portal] -> [Select your Company] -> [Cerberus] -> [Settings]
  • Fill in all the required fields
Base URLThe base URL to your cerb installation appending /rest/ to the end.
API Access KeyThe Cerb worker access key
API Secret KeyThe Cerb worker secret key. Treat this like a password.
Sort TicketWhen checked, Blesta clients will see the newest ticket at the top of the list
File AttachmentsWhen checked, Blesta clients will be able to add attachments to tickets.

Last modified August 1, 2020: (9e61bb7)